ISAF which has been growing steadily every year experienced a magnificent growth of 63% in 2012 which is very rarely seen in the area of exhibition organising, and again has grown 30% and 20% respectively in 2013 and 2014.
As a result of this growth, the area of ISAF that accommodates 5 different exhibitions under its structure has become insufficient. Due to the fact the current area has become insufficient for 5 different exhibitions in ISAF, as of 2015 it has been decided that some of the exhibitions would be organised in a different week.
Fire&Rescue and Safety&Health Exhibitions will be separated from ISAF in 2015 and will be organised in a different week, and ISAF will be organised in a way to incorporate 3 exhibitions which are Security, IT Security and Smart Home.
As a result of this re-structuring and the increase in the areas allocated for the exhibitions, we aim a growth in ISAF in 2015 by 30%. Providing places for the companies in the sector that requested participation but could not be offered places in 2014, and making sure that they benefit from the trading volume created by ISAF have been important factors in the decision for this re-structuring.
With the capacity increased as a result of dividing ISAF to 2 different sections, many new companies that could not find places in the exhibitions and companies that wish to expand their places to make more extensive displays will now be able to find a place in the exhibitions.
Please follow current news about ISAF from our website.