Turk Marin, which provides consultancy services in many areas, is participating at the ISAF Fire & Rescue Exhibition for the first time.

Turk Marin will introduce its Fire Training Simulator, FLAIM TrainerTM, which is a virtual reality application, to visitors at the ISAF 2019.

FLAIM TrainerTM is a multi-component virtual reality simulation system that provides fire fighting training in high-risk scenarios, which add more realism in fire simulations, and are difficult to create in real life.

Turk Marin, which will make a FLAIM TrainerTM set available at the exhibition, intends to equip their visitors with this set (dressing them with a special clothes and make them use the equipment), in order for them  to get the fire fighting experience in a virtual realty environment.

“We are participating at the ISAF this year for the first time. We believe that exhibitions contribute to the progress of the sector and are the meeting point of the ideas/products with end users. Since we believe that the ISAF is the center of attention of the sector in the areas of occupational safety, fire detection and extinguishing, we decided to participate at the ISAF.

At the same time, we also aim to introduce our virtual reality application, FLAIM TrainerTM’ to fire departments, the organizations that are providing fire and security training and the sector, and we intend to show that there is an opportunity for an intermediate training between the simulators that give live fire fighting training, and we wish to meet the potential customers as well, during the ISAF Fire & Rescue Exhibition” Mithat FIDAN, Chairman of the Board of Turk Marin said, regarding the ISAF Fire & Rescue Exhibition.